Known for his wild partying and extravagant behavior reminiscent of the character Zoolander, Jordan Barrett has gained the title of ‘fashion’s bad boy’. However, he displayed his more reserved side on Monday evening at the Cannes Film Festival screening of Spike Lee’s latest movie BlacKkKlansman. The 22-year-old Australian model looked dapper as he walked the red carpet for the second consecutive night, this time accompanied by the stunning actress Michelle Rodriguez, 39.
Rebel turned gentleman: Jordan Barrett showed his polished side on Monday at the Cannes Film Festival screening of Spike Lee’s BlacKkKlansman, where he was accompanied by Michelle Rodriguez. The Byron Bay native looked sharp in a stylish dark purple suit with black lapels, complemented by a flashy designer watch and a gold ring. Michelle, on the other hand, looked gorgeous in a semi-sheer black dress that highlighted her stunning décolletage with a striking statement necklace.
Celebrity buddies! Jordan looked super sharp in a deep purple suit with black lapels, while Michelle flaunted her amazing physique in a partially sheer black dress.
Jordan and Michelle showed some serious camaraderie on the red carpet and seemed to have a great time laughing together while getting their photos taken.
The Fast and The Furious actor had attended the Fashion For Relief Gala at Cannes on Sunday night with Jordan by his side.
Reports suggest that the two have been pals for quite some time, as they were spotted enjoying lunch together in New York City in July of last year.
Jordan is known for his incredibly good looks and wild partying, giving him the nickname ‘the bad boy of fashion’. As a male supermodel, he has been romantically linked to some of the most sought-after women in the fashion industry. There were rumors of him dating Bella Hadid after they were seen together following her breakup with The Weeknd, but Bella set the record straight by confirming they were just friends.
What’s happening over there? Jordan and Michelle showed some love on the red carpet, sharing a laugh as they posed for photos.
Stunning elegance: Michelle proudly showed off her sculpted legs in a partially see-through lace dress.
Stylish: The celebrity appeared fashionable in a sleek black outfit as she left the movie premiere.
Busty: The star proudly showed off her ample cleavage as she interacted with her fans.