Usually spotted in athletic attire, Michelle Rodriguez opted for a glamorous look on Wednesday evening at the amfAR New York Gala. The 36-year-old stunned in a beautiful white gown, elegantly styled with her dark hair pinned back to showcase her exquisite bone structure.
Mixing things up: Michelle Rodriguez wowed everyone on Wednesday evening at the amfAR New York Gala by showcasing her glamorous side. The actress, best known for her role in Fast And Furious, rocked a stunning gown with a plunging neckline and elegant draping, perfectly accessorized with a chic clutch.
The gala is a fundraising event for amfAR, a charitable organization dedicated to AIDS research, HIV prevention, treatment, and education.
In the romance department, Michelle has reportedly been flying solo since her breakup with supermodel Cara Delevingne last summer, except for a brief romance with Zac Efron.
Engaging in trade and improving: Showing off a stunning white gown, the 36-year-old woman put her dark hair up, unveiling her delicate facial features.
Extending a helping hand: The charity event supports amfAR, an organization dedicated to AIDS research, HIV prevention, treatment, and raising awareness.
In a recent chat with her co-star from Resident Evil, Milla Jovovich, the actress suggested that she’s not quite ready to start a family. She expressed her admiration for parents like Milla but humorously mentioned she might opt for a surrogate instead.
Milla, taken aback by the comment, questioned if the actress was concerned about the impact of pregnancy on her physique.
In a recent outing in West Hollywood, Rodriguez was seen sporting her usual style. She opened up about her decision not to have children, stating that she values her freedom to do things on her own terms. At 36 years old, she feels that she still has more to achieve in her career before considering starting a family. Despite being part of significant projects, she believes she hasn’t fully reached her potential and doesn’t want to miss out on any opportunities by prioritizing motherhood prematurely.