Actress Michelle Rodriguez is set to star in the upcoming Fast & Furious 9 movie. The 40-year-old confirmed her role in the action-packed franchise during an appearance at the Bloomberg Equality Summit in London. The San Antonio native, known for her portrayal of Letty Ortiz Toretto since 2001, revealed that Universal Pictures brought in a female writer after she hinted at leaving the series two years ago.
Confirmed during her appearance at the Bloomberg Equality Summit in London, Michelle Rodriguez, aged 40, confirmed that she will be part of the upcoming Fast & Furious 9 movie. She expressed her excitement about Universal Pictures executive Donna Langley agreeing to include a female perspective in the writers’ room. Rodriguez found it frustrating that her character was being shaped solely by male voices and was determined to have more of a female presence in the franchise. She noted that it was refreshing to have the freedom to rewrite her own lines but also found it somewhat trivial to have to do so.
Key player: Since 2001, the actor from San Antonio has portrayed Letty Ortiz Toretto in the movie franchise.
Rodriguez, a key player, shared screen time with Vin Diesel in 2015’s Furious 7. Additionally, she expressed disappointment in the lack of interaction between her character Letty and other female characters in the series, including those portrayed by Jordana Brewster, Gal Gadot, and Charlize Theron. She mentioned that throughout her 16 years in the franchise, conversations with female colleagues on screen were few and far between. Rodriguez insisted on having a female writer to bring a female perspective to her character, and finally, her request was honored, providing her with the representation she desired.
Stunning: The actress was photographed at the exclusive Vanity Fair Oscar Party back in February.
Clarifying the situation: In a post on Instagram in June 2017, Rodriguez expressed her dissatisfaction with the lack of representation of women in the action movie franchise through a collage.
In a post on Instagram in June 2017, Rodriguez expressed her disappointment with the lack of female representation in the action film series. She stated that she hoped the next installment would pay more attention to the female characters, or else she might have to part ways with the beloved franchise. Despite her concerns, she thanked the fans and the studio for the opportunity they have given her over the years. Fast & Furious 9 is set to premiere on May 22, 2020, with the next spin-off, Hobbs & Shaw, coming to theaters on August 2, 2019.