Ciara showed off her cleavage on Wednesday by wearing a low-cut Santa top while filming a festive rendition of her popular song Better Thangs. The talented R&B singer, aged 37, shared a video of herself on TikTok mouthing the new Christmas-themed lyrics, where she openly expressed her holiday wishes. “I’ve shared mine with you,” Ciara wrote in the caption, “now it’s your turn to share yours with me.”
Slaying the holiday season, Ciara turned heads on social media with her festive Santa-inspired look. The stunning singer flaunted her curves in a plunging red top, showcasing her toned arms and shoulders. With a Santa cowboy hat atop her head, Ciara added a touch of country flair to her ensemble, reflecting her recent move to Colorado with her husband Russell Wilson. The couple, who tied the knot in 2016, have two children together, Sienna Princess and Win Harrison, and Ciara also has a son named Future Zahar from a previous relationship. Making a statement with her holiday-themed outfit, Ciara wowed fans with her fashion sense and festive spirit.
Is she on the naughty or nice list? The R&B sensation shared a video of herself mouthing along to new lyrics, clearly stating her Christmas wish to her 3.3 million TikTok fans.
Not your typical Mrs. Claus: Ciara, the Goodies singer, turned heads on TikTok with her daring red top that showed off her toned body. Her spaghetti straps highlighted her strong arms and shoulders, while her flowing honey-colored hair fell elegantly over her exposed chest.
With her lips shining and her makeup flawless, Ciara added a festive touch with red Santa gloves as she posed in front of two giant nutcrackers in the background.
In a playful voiceover, she hinted at her Christmas wishlist, mentioning everything from jewelry to vacations in the Bahamas, Cuba, and Italy.
Fans couldn’t get enough of Ciara’s holiday-themed TikTok, with one football fan even using it as a distraction from their team’s loss.
“Love the wishlist!” commented a loyal fan, showing their support for the singer’s festive video.
Describing her wishes, the singer starts off by saying, ‘Well, you know… With Christmas around the corner… I’m not asking for much, but… If I could indulge in a little fantasy… You feel me? I would envision something like this…’
Ciara is out here living her best life, with dreams of jet-setting to the Bahamas, Cuba, and Italy for some much-needed vacations. She recently dropped the single Better Thangs, a fun collaboration with R&B star Summer Walker. This upbeat track is just the latest in a string of hits for Ciara, who also released the song Jump earlier this year after a two-year break from singles. While her last album Beauty Marks came out in 2019, Ciara has been blessing us with bangers since she burst onto the scene in 2004 with her debut album Goodies.
Ciara dropped her track Better Thangs back in September, teaming up with R&B sensation Summer Walker, who is 26 years old.