Ciara is pushing through with her tour in Australia after facing challenges in New Zealand recently. The singer was spotted at Perth airport, carrying her adorable nine-month old son Future Wilburn, before her show in Fremantle on Friday night. The 29-year-old singer, known for hits like Love Sex Magic, rocked a stylish black jersey dress that showed off her toned legs. Check out the video below for more.
Ciara was spotted at Perth airport on Friday, holding her baby Future Wilburn close. Her long black hair cascaded down her back in loose waves, and she shielded her eyes with stylish black aviators. Despite her split from rapper ex-fiance Future in December, she was still wearing her engagement ring on her left hand. Ciara has remained tight-lipped about any chance of reconciliation. In contrast to her disappointing performance in Christchurch, her concert in Fremantle seemed to be a hit, as she took to Instagram to express her gratitude to her fans.
Intriguingly, she was spotted wearing her engagement ring once more, even though she had publicly ended her relationship with rapper Future back in December.
During her tour, the stunning woman with dark hair was spotted in a casual jersey dress and stylish aviator sunglasses, holding her nine-month-old baby before her concert in Fremantle. She made up for the missed meet and greets in New Zealand by interacting with fans, including one who proudly displayed a tattoo of the artist’s name on her back. Sharing the moment on social media, the singer of the hit song “Goodies” captioned the photo with excitement, acknowledging her amazing fans in Australia. To her surprise, her friend Lil Jon showed up to support her at the show. Expressing her gratitude, she posted a picture of the two of them together, praising Lil Jon for his kindness and down-to-earth personality.
Ciara expressed her gratitude towards her fans, mentioning how she always enjoys meeting them during her concerts. She also reminisced about her hit song “Goodies” which kickstarted her career twelve years ago, expressing her gratitude towards her producer. In contrast to her recent concert mishap in New Zealand where she arrived late and disappointed fans, Ciara made sure to fulfill her meet and greet duties at her Fremantle concert, showing appreciation for her dedicated supporters.
Ciara was thrilled to run into her buddy Lil Jon at her gig on Friday night. Despite the initial set time of 9:30pm, she didn’t hit the stage until 11pm and had to wrap up quickly due to noise restrictions at the venue. The last-minute change to an outdoor location may not have helped the performance. Ciara later took to Twitter to apologize for the short show, citing ‘technical difficulties’ as the reason.
Challenges: After a disappointing show in Christchurch, the singer found herself stranded in New Zealand when flights were grounded because of Cyclone Marcia.
The backlash on social media and from disappointed concert-goers accused the artist of misconduct.
To make amends, a representative from the Australian touring agency, Ginnen Group, took to Facebook to issue an apology to fans.
Following the unfortunate turn of events, Ciara was unexpectedly stuck in New Zealand due to the cancelled flights caused by Cyclone Marcia.
How heartwarming! This past Thursday, the singer of hit songs like “Goodies” posted a nostalgic picture showing her holding a baby Future.
Ciara and her former fiance, rapper Future, went their separate ways in December. A photo of them in Milan, Italy from January 2014 shows a time when they were still together.