Michelle Rodriguez, who is recognized for playing a tough character in the Fast & Furious series, still maintains that cool vibe even when she’s not on the screen. Recently, the 38-year-old actress was seen cruising on her motorcycle in Los Angeles, sporting a biker chic look in black and leather. After the ride, she met up with some friends on Abbot Kinney Boulevard to hang out.
Zoom zoom! Michelle Rodriguez was seen riding her motorcycle in Los Angeles over the weekend.
For her Sunday ride, Michelle rocked a trendy taupe leather moto jacket that gave her a chic look. She paired it with fitted black pants and stylish over-the-knee flat leather boots, showcasing her sleek and slender silhouette.
Opting for a natural look, Michelle went makeup-free and kept her long hair pulled back into a low ponytail to prevent it from blowing in the wind. Completing her biker ensemble, she wore a black helmet and leather gloves while cruising on her cool black matte bike.
On a leisurely Sunday afternoon, the 38-year-old actress from the Fast & Furious franchise was effortlessly cool in a black leather outfit as she cruised around and caught up with friends on Abbot Kinney Boulevard in Venice. Shielding her eyes from the bright summer sun, she added a touch of glamour with trendy gold metal aviators. Michelle couldn’t help but smile as she tried on a stylish red, white, and blue helmet while exploring the hip neighborhood of Venice, California. The Texas-born star seemed to really like the patriotic accessory, which actually belonged to a fellow biker zipping around on a red Honda Motorcycle. As fans eagerly await the next installment in the Fast & Furious series, Fast 8 is currently in post-production with a scheduled release date in April 2017.
Nationalistic fashion choice: With a wide grin on her face, the actress removed her sunglasses and admired a helmet in the patriotic colors of red, white, and blue in the popular area of Venice, California.